We praise God for being the inspirational force behind the founding and organizing of HTHF. God’s divine providence has enabled us to begin and to continue on this amazing journey to help our brothers and sisters in need. At HTHF we honor and thank God for the blessing vested upon this charity organization since day one.
We pray for the longevity of this organization, so we can continue serving and changing the lives of more people in desperate need of all kinds of assistance. All of us who work diligently at HTHF have our eyes and faith set in God’s Divine Providence and depend on him to keep on going. There is no more rewarding and fulfilling endeavor than to help the needy, the hungry,the destitutes and the ones forgotten by society.
HTHF thanks our volunteers. They are a great blessing to HTHF by contributing with their own personal aptitudes, abilities and experience. They add so much value to HTHF in different operational and functional areas.
HTHF Family extends our most sincere appreciation and gratitude to everyone who has contributed in one way or another with the foundation. Your generosity is giving the poor and the hungry the opportunity to allow us to say to them, you are not alone. There are good and generous people out there willing to help. Thank you so much for your goodwill and for allowing us to keep touching the hearts of the children and the families we assist.